C: Yes, I just wondered why the price between the ninth and tenth floor is so different? 是的,我很奇怪为什么九楼与十楼的售价有这么大的差别呢?
Today, all businesses face the challenges like the escalating price of power, raised floor capacity, space, and administrative costs. 目前,所有企业都面对能源价格、场地和管理成本不断提高等难题。
In an attempt to stabilise cotton supplies and soothe restive farmers in Xinjiang, in 2011 China set a cotton price floor and started stockpiling the material. 为稳定棉花供应及安抚新疆躁动不安的棉农,2011年中国设定了棉花价格下限并开始囤积棉花。
'We want to drive the price through the floor so radically that it would be silly to consider anything else,' he said. 他说,我们希望将价格压到极低,以至考虑其他任何产品都是愚蠢的。
Unfortunately, this turf was not again sold for bidding price didn't reach floor price after its auction failed on Dec2 for the lack of bidders. 可遗憾的是,该地块在12月2日因为竞买人数不足取消拍卖后,此次又因竞买人出价未达到拍卖底价而遗憾流拍。
That would usually mark a domestic price floor. 这通常标志着国内价格的底部。
The new bid price floor has been close to or exceed the current price situation will be re-pulled the fuse housing prices, house prices are still facing high operating pressures. 新的投标价楼已接近或超过了当前的价格形势将重新拉导火索房价,房价仍面临高操作压力。
If the government set the price floor at$ 10, will you change your demand of fish ball? 如果政府将价格下限定于$10/串,你会改变你的需求吗?
This price target may help provide a floor and additional price support to LDK's recent price decline. 这一目标股价可能有助于提供一个楼层,并额外价格支持,LDK的最近的价格下降。
If the Russian release their stocks of tin into world market, the price of metal will sink through the floor. 一旦俄罗斯人将其持有的锡矿股票投放于国际市场之中,那么该市场中金属的价格会跌破最低限价。
A minimum wage rate is a price floor. 最低工资是价格下限。
For a few months the price of tin on world markets fell through the official floor. 在几个月的时间里,世界市场上的锡价猛跌到低于官方的最低限价。
An order to buy or sell a futures contract at whatever price is obtainable when the order reaches the trading floor. 一旦该指令被发出,就意味着以最快的速度和尽可能好的价格买进或者卖出某一期货或期权合约。
Some have suggested a price floor; others, a carbon central bank that could regularly intervene to influence prices. 有些人建议设定碳价下限;也有人提议设立能够经常实施干预以影响碳价的碳央行。
Size, price, location and floor plans soon loom large and become new reference points. 大小、价格、位置和房型很快会浮现在脑海中,成了新的比较点。
The outsider has paid the ask price, and the floor trader is now short and needs to buy. 场外交易者必须在卖出价买入,此时场内交易者已经做空了,需要买入。
This study, with price floor model as an example, indicates that it is feasible to limit the operators by controlling the number of tourists. 本文以一个价格下限模型为例,说明通过控制旅游者数量的方式限制经营者的可能实现途径。
However, travelers are against the price floor. 但乘客们均表示反对最低限价。
The property of it's surface layer of grinding-resistence paper is one of he fateful factors on the ratio of property to price of composite wooden floor board. 其表层耐磨纸的性能是影响复合木地板使用和价格的决定性因素之一。
A concerned Congress votes to impose a price floor$ 2 above the equilibrium price. 国会通过了飞盘价格高于均衡价格2元的价格下限。
For the city improper, land price is still applied as an aid price of the floor price. 对于城市未建成区,仍然采用地面价作为楼面价的辅助价。
Suggestions on implementing price floor regulation in mobile services in China 对移动业务实施价格下限管制的几点建议
The joint influence on land price produced by floor area ratio and construction density 容积率与建筑密度对地价的综合影响研究&以株洲市商业用地为例
Based on the definition and significance of floor price of unit building area, this paper is intended to explore an unique form of base land price, and presents a feasible approach to applying floor prices of residential land and commercial land in the city proper. 从基于单位建筑面积的楼面价的意义和定义出发,探索出一条独具特色的基准地价表现形式,提出了操作性较强的城市建成区住宅用地和商业用地楼面价应用方法。
Land price of floor is the main components of the cost of the house prices, have direct impact its level of reasonable or not reasonable price. 其中楼面地价是房价的主要构成成本之一,其水平的合理与否对房价的合理程度有直接的影响。
The paper analyzes welfare change of direct control of pharmaceutical price ( price ceiling and price floor). The result shows that, monopoly and moral hazard are inverse market strength. 分析了垄断和道德风险存在的情况下,药品价格的直接控制(价格上限和价格下限)导致的社会经济福利变化。